
great morning!

Well, I started submitting for the first time in my life today. I sent some poems to remark., and within an hour, I got an email of acceptance! My first poems in print ever, “dinner for one” and a reworked version of an old poem, "hallelujah" will be in the March issue. I’m feeling really great about this, I feel like it’s the beginning of something that will continue for the next 50+ years of my life. What a great start to the new year! You couldn’t take my smile off with a crowbar.


christopher cunningham said...

congrats kav.

some fine poem slinging.

welcome to the world of the "published poet."

it's pretty much the same world, but it still feels damn nice...

kav said...

Haha, it sure does.

j.b said...

congrats, kid.

but the red in your blog is killing my eyes....my rods and cones are all messed up...

still....what a feeling, eh? ride it, baby...parlay that...

kav said...

haha, thanks, i've definately been riding it.

but man, I love the red, but i should mention that i'm colorblind, so maybe it looks way cooler to me than it does to you. i'll toy with some new colors, though, see if i can't help out a little bit.

christopher cunningham said...

oh the grey is MUCH better...

kav said...


Luis said...

at my work station i had red background, but everyone
complained, now it's just a
black background, congrats
on the remark acceptances

kav said...

man, I liked my red background too. brothers in crimson, you and i. and thanks!